Friday, April 2, 2010

Observe, observe, observe!

If you are reading this blog, most likely you are aware of all of the writing about creating our own reality. In the past, we called it positive thinking, then some folks were running around saying "Cancel, Cancel" whenever anything was expressed that might be conceived as "negative". The more main stream mental health practitioners might be talking about magical thinking, denial, and failure to face reality. We hear "act as if", "fake it 'till you make it", pin affirmations to your mirror, program for what you want and those more judgemental types could easily state accusingly when your life isn't going so great, "well you created it".

It seems to me that if it were all that easy, humanity would be doing a lot better than it is, or maybe it would be in deeper trouble if our unconscious painful "beliefs" actually manifested in front of us. Some would say they are, that is we are surrounded by reflections of our deepest truths coming back at us depending on what our past experiences or our collective unconscious as humans, shapes what we see and what "filters" we have. Its as though we have a personal as well as collective ability to choose what to make the spotlight shine on, thereby, making it more real or more a part of our "reality".

So where does that leave us as far as becoming wholesome co-creators with the Universe? As my spiritual mentor, Patricia Sun, often says, you have to "remember with feeling". How do we accomplish that, do we shape our reality by remembering an experience that approximates what we want to experience, what I call energetic equivalents? How about movie characters, or stories that capture our physical sensation and emotions, even if we don't have that touch stone in our personal experience?

Just as important is our awareness of our own defense mechanisms and blind spots or at least a suspicion that something within us isn't helping us get to where we want to be in terms of feeling whole, complete and fulfilled. Finally, (as if anything ever is!) what about deciding to choose to have intention.......considering the possibility of something more?

Step one....observe, observe, observe!....BJ