Monday, September 6, 2010

Whats Happening Now

So, I've been getting so much information that its a challenge to get it all down, but I'll try to type it out, but I feel it is still coming, so there may be subsequent "chapters".

First, there are really 3 types of energetic influences going on at this moment in time, a convergence, you might say. How these influences play out depend on humanity as a single creation, the culture and the individual's own programming and filters. The first involves the planetary stage of moving toward alignment with the galactic center. The theories of what happens as we approach this, the old order frequency that has been in affect as "reality" for thousands of years, dismantles, as the new frequency is building, as when a mandala breaks down and a new pattern is revealed. You see chaos for a phase with no hint of the new, and then, there it is. As the new frequency becomes the predominant one, we have a "new reality" (actually, a more whole version of possibilities), also called various names such as New Age, ascension, Heaven on earth etc. So, for the individual, we would expect a lot of dismantling of those aspects of his/her life that are based on the passing frequency. The more difficult manifestation of this is what seems like the reappearance of old psychological programs, defense mechanisms, wounding etc. The good news is that as these remnants of the old come up, they can be transformed. Also, since the higher frequency, God awareness, whatever you want to call it, is more accessible, we have more of a tool to use for healing, and we can look forward to this increasing. Thank God! Literally!

The next influence has to do with the season we are in. From an archetype angle or process in our reality, this is the time when we are moving into a time for turning inward, i. e. the winter. We have harvested goods to carry us through this "hermit phase" in preparation for what is to come and once winter arrives, there is lots going on in terms of development and evolution of life, but it is inward, underground and often as experienced and expressed by humans as "nothing is happening, I'm stalling out", I'm going no where, nothing is what I thought it would be". Just keep accessing the stored resources and wait for the phase change. However, accessing the stored resources is critical to survive this period. As depicted by the Hermit Card of the Tarot, the hermit emerges in time holding the light of the world. Also, in our culture, this is the time when those in school run around all excited and afraid, getting ready for new adventures in going back to school. It is the more fun part of what we soon learn, means studying, working hard and mastering new skills and knowledge.

The third influence has to do with the culture's energetic response to this particular holiday regardless of how they articulate this, one must look at the energetic expression. This is "Labor Day". Its supposed to be this holiday to celebrate working hard and respecting what we do and what is produced. People are supposed to feel good about themselves, honor his/her contribution and get renewed with 3 days off filled with fulfilling activities. Given that in this reality, much of what one chooses to do has to depend on the dollar either to survive or accumulation and consumption beyond what is needed or sufficient to enjoy "fruits of our labor", attempting to fill the empty hole that is not going to be filled with money. People plan all sorts of activities for this weekend designed to celebrate, but it is filled with rushing to events, ugly traffic, and holiday sales. More importantly, its the rare individual that is really joyously celebrating his/her job, but rather are gripped by fear of not enough money and loosing his/her livelihood, or feeling hopeless that they can ever escape it. As as my dear friend used to quote his father..".In life, you have to dig in the shit!" ( and that's all there is!).

So how do these influences play out with each person? That totally depends on what they are carrying for programming, and what type of energy might be getting triggered and going out into the creative soup. So each person can have a pretty interesting time looking at his/her own experience to discover what might be helpful. This can be a tricky area, because what IS NOT helpful is to get into a cycle of blame, feeling inadequate etc. That's not the purpose of the way these influences work. One might look at their childhood expereinces and what was not tolerated and what creative fulfilling expressions were surpressed....then slowing add energetic equivalents to one's current life experience. The idea is to lead the person as quickly as possible to a more whole experience which means eventually at a critical point, increases joy and fulfillment. One question that one can ask, and it is very important to not have any of those just mentioned attitudes sabotaging this part, is to ask, how do my current situations, as much as I may not like them, bring something to me, that I KNOW I don't want, but is still coming? Now sometimes, they show you what old programs and habits are still restricting expansion, but the flip side, they will give ideas for the antidote or gently and respectfully creating new and more fulfilling experiences.