Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Times they are A Changing

Its been a long time since I have updated my blog.  I find that time has sped up and its getting more difficult to accomplish the same number of things I am accustomed to in the same amount of time.  Some would say this is due to age.  That may be true to an extent, but I am reminded of work by Gregg Braden that as the frequency of out planet and every part of it changes frequency, our perception of time as moving more quickly will begin to manifest.  Gregg also speaks of difficulties with our linear, rational thinking.  We may have more lapses in memory in the moment and also difficulty translating thoughts into words.  Patricia Sun has been teaching about this leap in consciousness which we are living since the 1970s.  Gregg and Patricia are  speaking about the awakening of the intuitive side of the brain and being more in conscious resonance with the Love frequency. These two were teaching what seemed like science fiction and now these concepts are out in the mainstream. If you haven't read anything by Gregg Braden or listened to Patricia's podcasts and CDs, I recommend them highly.  You can Google each.

 One of the changes I see not only in myself but in my clients, as we watch society's systems fail and move into a demand for change, i.e. governments, churches, economic system, health care, corporations, food etc. etc.  our own subconscious is affected.  It is as though the deepest buried programming and trauma is bubbling up, so we notice them and can begin to heal completely.  You may be experiencing old memories that you haven't visited for  years or have  had epiphanies when thinking about your past.

 It's also a time that we must in each moment make a conscious decision as to the energy we are giving via our emotions to various events.  This means be open to positive and  healing events that we might think can never happen, but now they do.  I'm not talking about going into denial about what   one is seeing and experiencing, but rather being fully aware and choosing to allow one's self to be open to something good or wholesome coming about...  and...that means not saying positive affirmations while all the time your inner voice is telling you that you don't really believe those affirmations.  I mean really being willing to consider something good even if you don't know the specifics. Great expectancy vs specific expectations.  Usually the Universe can go beyond the latter if we get out of the way.  Ahhh, it was the best of times and the worst of times, certainly describes it.  Blessings.